Google Ads Vs Google Ads Express: Difference Between the Two?

Whether you are new in the PPC industry or have been for a while you must be familiar with the Google Ads and might also have a sense of AdWords Express which is also a Google product. Many confuse it with Google AdWords, but both are separate products and have different features. And so are their advantages and disadvantages. 

Both products are owned by the same company and use the same AdWords network. But there are some differences between them, and PPC based SEO services should acknowledge them. As a webmaster –whether associated with an SEO company or working independently – you need to decide which can be better for your ad campaign.

But before getting into the differences between them and their benefits, it is important to have a brief look at them.

What Is Google Ads?

Google Ads formerly known as Google Adwords is a product developed and offered by Google in order to help marketers reach their target audience quickly. Advertisers bid on the keywords to Rank on Google.

Like most of Google’s products, it is free and advertisers across the world can have an access to. To run a campaign, you need to have the right knowledge and some experience on setting up an Google Ads account and monitoring it.

Google releases updates time to time in order to make it more effective and better. The latest update was about the interface.

What Is Google Adwords Express?

Google Adwords Express is lighter and easier version of Google Ads. It comes with features that automatically manage your online ads. Also Adwords Express requires minimal management.

Also the interface is quite different from that of Google Ads.  Let us have a look at how it looks in the image below.

Image Source: Search Engine Roundtable

What are differences?

Both Google Ads and Google AdWord Express are similar in features. Both charge only for clicks and allow ads on Google search. However, there are some differences that we can see in the image below.

Image Source: PPC Protect

From the image, there are two major differences : Automated Management and Advanced Ad Format. 

Automated Ads Management

This is first major difference between the two. Google Ads lacks this feature, and so you have to manage your campaign manually. For example, you need to optimize your amount per click, change keyword, and set location, etc. 

But with Google AdWords Express, the whole management of the campaign is automated. This means once you have launched the campaign, Google’s robots will take control and start optimizing your adverts.

But this is not good. Google don’t have any idea of conversion. It monitors the campaign based on the clicks and views. Also, it does not know where you really need to change keyword or not. Put simply, it is like pre-programmed method that works as per the commands feed. 

As the competition is growing and everyone is toiling hard to win the game, you cannot completely depend on robots to manage your campaign. However, you have a lower budget and you are new to Google Ads, and you want to see how it can work for your business, Google AdWords Express cannot be a bad choice. 

Ads Formats

This is most vital feature available only with Google AdWords, not with Google AdWord Express. This feature allows you to use use animated or static banners, engaging video adverts and expanded text adverts on Google own websites and their partner websites. This is crucial for complex A/B testing of different banners and adverts to get to know which one performs best.

AdWords Express only allows text adverts on Google Search. Text adverts with no image or video is less likely to be viewed and clicked. So you should, of course, choose Google AdWords if you’re planning on having a complex, media rich campaign.

Choosing an Adwords Version

Now you know the differences, and what impact they can have on an ad campaign. You are still not sure which of the two you need to choose for your PPC ad campaign. Don’t worry. We are going to tell you who they are best for and what are their advantages. And we are sure you, after going through them, will be able to make a better decision.

Google AdWords Express:

As it is light and easy to use, Google AdWord Express is ideal for the first time users and for those who do not much time to manage the campaign. Its automated ad management feature will save you lots of time by automatically managing your campaign. Also, the ongoing maintenance is low and you have to pay only for the clicks you receive.

Key Benefits of AdWord Express Include:

  • you pay only for clicks
  • you require low management and maintenance of ads 
  • You can advertise on both Google Search and Google Maps 
  • you can reach customers in location you want

Google Ads:

If you have the right resources and a dedicated team, you can choose Google AdWord. It provides full control over ad campaign. Also, you can manage keywords, location, and ad formats. Once you have chosen Google ad network for your ads, you can set up a daily budget, how much you want to spend and where you want your ads to be displayed.

It Has Flowing Main Benefits:

  • you pay only when someone clicks your ads
  • you can choose keywords, set prices and structure your account, which you cannot get with Google AdWord Express
  • Like AdWord Express, this allows you to target customers in any location you choose
  • But only with this version, you can advertise with special formats and detailed reporting

With all things considered, both seem to have their own advantages and disadvantages. However if you are looking for full control over your ad campaign and have all the resources required for effective monitoring of an ad campaign. But if you do not and time is a constraint for you, Google AdWord Express would be a good choice for you. Make your decision based on everything like your budget, requirement, and the location of your target audience.

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Amit Mishra

Amit Mishra, the co-founder of Media Search Group, loves to pen down about marketing and designing. Be it search engine optimization(SEO) tips and strategies, Social Media Optimization, Increasing Engagement, and Traffic Score, Web Design and Development, Mobile Applications, Conversion/Sales, he covers it all. Been in the business for a long time, Amit Mishra knows some of the best strategies on how to expand and grow a Business Online.