How To Measure Your Link Quality and Relevancy for Ranking and Sales?

Have you ever wondered what makes a link useful or relevant for your link campaigns? They are not only a key ranking factor but also drive sales to your business. When we talk about link building in SEO, we always mean to build relevant and quality inbound links and outbound links for maximum effect. With a digital marketing and SEO experience, anyone clearly understands the trends in link-building strategies over the years. 

If you want to use your resources and strategies for maximum effect, it is important to understand what makes a link what makes link building so useful and relevant when we talk about ranking and sales. Here’re some tips to map out your framework to think about quality links and how to measure them. 

What will be the conversion rate when a visitor comes to your site?

The easiest way to measure the link quality and judge its usefulness is to look at the rate of conversion to successful sales. To determine the relevancy of your links you need to determine how likely your site visitors from the sites you want to attract links from will successfully convert into a sale. It is not about consistency or accuracy but guesswork to get a thumbnail estimate if something is relevant for you. 

For example, if you try to attract site visitors through a link from a site that has no relevancy to your business niche, it is highly unlikely your traffic will convert into successful sales. When you attract links from a site in a similar niche as yours, you may get site visitors from the links that matter most to your business and are most likely to convert. 

Do a quality check of inbound and outbound links

Once you find useful sites to attract links, take a look at the kinds of links those sites have. If they have great inbound links, then you should definitely go with them. But if you find that most of the links on those sites are from obvious link-building schemes, then you should back right away.

Similarly, take a look at the outbound links those sites have to further measure their usefulness for the link building on your site. If those sites are linking to irrelevant or shady, step back again. 

If you find things relevant and useful for your site, then you should move ahead. 

  • Should you pay for link building from those websites?  

We never suggest paying for a link. It is all up to you how aggressively you want to grow. Make a roadmap for your advertising strategy and decide whether or not you want to spend money on buying links on those sites. If yes, then you should decide on a figure for it. But if you want to advertise on those sites by paying some dollars just for the sake of some third-party metric, then you should back away again.  

  • Remember that traffic on your site is not the ultimate metric to measure link quality

Another thing that you should remember here is that not all sites from where you attract links are meant to send traffic. Also, not all web pages, even the quality ones have a higher page rank that you use for metrics to measure link quality. Some quality web pages provide a different kind of power and relevancy you need to be good on the internet. Being in a relevant community is good for your sales. They will not drive a lot of traffic, but they will keep you competitive in the business.

Semantic Relevance

When the question is how to identify a good link, most link builders encourage to think semantically for relevance. For example, an Indian cooking site would make a good link for an Indian travel site as they both have Indian origins. It is true up to an extent, but the idea of semantic relevance is not what we expect every time.

Semantic relevance is useful for ranking purposes, but if the traffic it sending has not the potential to convert, it is not completely useful for the success of your business. If it has the potential to convert into successful sales and clicks, then it is a good link. 

For a clearer picture, let’s again go to the above example of the Indian Cooking and Travelling site. 

  • Site visitors’ intent to convert

What are the chances that site visitors coming from an Indian cooking website will convert to flight or hotel booking? In our opinion, it is very unlikely. But, if you have a business selling cookbooks and other kitchen-related stuff, it is very likely they will convert. We think it explains very well about visitor intent relevance for link building. 

  • Traffic intent

If we go by the rule books of relevancy, a good link is meant to drive traffic to your site. But, do you think all traffic is good? No, it is not. Some traffic is just a number of visitors on your site, they are useless for your business goals because of the visitor intent. 

In your link-building strategy, if people are coming to the site for all the wrong reasons with no intent to convert, then they are completely useless. It is why traffic intent relevance is wrong in link building. For example, if you use a viral link campaign to drive site visitors with no intent to convert, you are wasting your effort and resources on link building. You may get a lot of traffic and link to your site, but it will not use for your ranking and sales. 


Quality and success of the link are measured in relevant traffic quality, metrics, ranking, and sales. We have talked about some ways to determine the quality and usefulness of a link. All these ways are complementary to each other and can be very helpful in mapping out a framework for your link-building strategy. 

Ratan Singh

Ratan Singh is a professional blogger and Technology Enthusiast who is passionate about latest technology, gadgets, Mobile phones, apps, and social media. He likes to write and explore the latest tech and digital marketing.