Cheap SEO Service in India: Why Will It Be Cost-Effective in 2021?

Since India has passed the COVID-19 peak, more and more businesses are reopening and trying to bring their operations back on track. The current year has already led to an unimaginable loss in various key sectors. That’s why most businesses are looking for cheap supplies, goods, and services so that they can save more. The same approach “Save to Thrive” applies to when they are hiring SEO services to rank higher and increase their visibility online. Luckily, there is good news for businesses that are hesitant to invest a significant amount of money in SEO.

Speculations have been made that SEO services in India might get cheaper in the next year. After seeing a dramatic hike in the prices of most products and services, it might seem unreasonable and inaccurate. But, after digging deeper, we have found why businesses around the world are more likely to enjoy cheap SEO services in India in 2021. But, before that, it’s important to understand a few basic things to ensure that you don’t walk on the wrong track. So, let’s get on to some important and basic questions first, and then we will discuss the reasons for SEO services getting cheaper in the upcoming new decade.

Here is the list of questions answered in this post.

  • What exactly does Cheap SEO Services mean?
  • Why do I need Cheap SEO Services in India?
  • What can Cheap SEO Services in India do for you?
  • Why will SEO Services be more cost-effective in 2021 in India?

What exactly does Cheap SEO Services mean?

Let us break down the term “Cheap SEO”.

In general, the word “cheap” has two different meanings. While on one hand, it refers to poor quality, substandard, and low-grade, on the other hand, it simply means low price.

What prices are being charged for a quality service or product in a country might be lower or higher in another country. Let’s take the USA and India for example. In 2015, the World Bank estimated that prices are more than three times higher in the US than in India. This means the same service with the same quality is cheaper in India when compared to that of the USA and other developed countries as well.

Cheap seo services company

If we talk about SEO, SEO is a commonly used acronym for Search Engine Optimization. It is a process of optimizing or improving your website performance for a search engine to increase the visibility of a website in organic search results. The end goal of SEO is to achieve the #1 position on the first Search Engine Result Page (SERP).

Selling online is getting harder as more businesses are establishing their presence online and fighting to attract customers towards their websites. SEO is usually the best way to appear on the higher positions on the first SERP.

Thus, by cheap SEO, we simply mean that an SEO agency is offering to help you achieve a higher rank on search engines like Google and Bing by optimizing and improving your website’s performance at a cheaper rate. So, don’t confuse cheap SEO service with low-quality SEO service at least in the context of this post.

Why do I need Cheap SEO Services in India?

For every business with an online presence or that wishes to attract more customers locally, SEO is an integral part without which there is a fat chance that they will outshine their competitors. It is because a search engine decides which websites should get the top positions based on certain criteria.

Some of these are website crawlability, security, accessibility, page speed, site structure, mobile-friendliness, domain age, URL, authority, links, technical SEO, optimized content, user experience, social signals, user engagement, keywords, and so on.

Without these factors, your website will struggle hard to rank at a good position and nearly impossible to rank on the first search result page.

However, during these uncertain times, you might be on the fence when it comes to investing in SEO services. You want to save money and ensure a smooth cash flow to keep your business afloat. In our opinion, putting a full stop to your SEO efforts is not a wiser choice to save money when big companies are expanding and your SEO competitors are continuously investing in Pay-Per-Clicks (PPC), SEO, and other digital marketing techniques.

Since you can find high-quality yet cheap priced SEO services in India, you can consider investing in SEO to strengthen your online presence and brand awareness among online shoppers without paying heavy costs and draining your account.

What can Cheap SEO Services in India do For You?

An SEO agency is equipped with diverse talent and infrastructure that allow it to cater to the different needs of different businesses. They make your website crawlable, indexable, discoverable, and visible.

They optimize your website and help with strategic content creation and much more. Just like in any industry, SEO professionals and companies can be different in their approach, operation, pricing, and results.


Some of the most important tasks that you can expect from cheap SEO companies in India to do are:

  • SEO Audit
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Identification of Target Markets and Customers
  • Keyword Research
  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO
  • Content Creation
  • Link Building
  • Optimization for Search Intent
  • Improve User Experience of Your Website
  • Target Local Searchers and Listings
  • Performance Analysis

In short, when you hire SEO services, SEO pros work on your website, optimize it, improve it, create and post high-quality content, earn authority links, and analyze metrics to track the performance of your website and SEO strategy implemented. They keep abreast of the latest updates and advancements made by Google and other search engines.

Hence, professional SEO services are worth every penny as they are going to help you reap long-term benefits. When there are the best cheap SEO services in India, why not grab this opportunity during the economic crisis posed by the current pandemic.

Why Will SEO Services Be More Cost-Effective in 2021 in India?

  • Increased Supply of Talent

According to a Global Survey on Youth and COVID-19, two-thirds of firm-level apprenticeships and three-quarters of internships were fully interrupted during the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in around 30,000 jobs lost in the IT and BPO sectors in India, while 60,000 were sent on unpaid leave during the first quarter of 2020 alone.

Subsequent quarters witnessed more lost jobs leaving youth to search for jobs they can do from their home or cultivate new skills that can prepare them for jobs where they can have a more secure future.

Since digital marketing is getting increasingly popular among youth due to its lucrative career prospects, the supply of youth skilled with digital marketing courses, including, SEO, SMO, ORM, Content Writing, Email Marketing, SEO strategist, Google Analytics, and eCommerce SEO, is expected to increase soon. So, if we assume that the demand remains the same, prices tend to fall when the supply of services increases – as per the Law of Supply.

However, demand may not remain the same because a lot of businesses are choosing to enter the digital world and when they will, they will compete there to remain at the top, to be visible, and to be accessible. As a result, prices may slowly increase due to the anticipated surge in the demand for SEO services in the years to come. But, even then, you will find that SEO services in India are far cost-effective than that of the USA and the UK.

Fortunately, due to its power of youth and cheap labour, India has always been known for offering services at lower prices. Thus, when already low prices will decrease further shortly due to the increased supply of talent, businesses across the globe can expect to find the best and cheap SEO services in India in 2021.

  • Prevailing Cost-Cutting Mindset among Business Owners

While some services are bound to get more expensive, SEO services in India could be more cost-effective in 2021. It is interesting to see what consequences third-party service providers, including SEO companies, will face post-pandemic. Most businesses have already started to follow the cost-cutting rule and squeezing their suppliers and outsourcing partners by urging them to lower prices due to the huge loss they have suffered during the lockdown. The 2020 COVID-19 Cost Reduction Survey by Deloitte predicted that –

Relative to pre-COVID-19 levels, the likelihood of undertaking cost reduction initiatives increased globally by 74% (28 percentage points). Two of three companies globally (66%) now expect to pursue cost reduction strategies over the next 12 months, up from just 38% reported before COVID-19.”

The ‘cost-cutting’ mindset of business owners may prompt SEO companies to reconsider their pricing structure and offer the best cheap SEO services in India. Since the competition is always high in the SEO world, a reputable SEO service provider in India cannot afford to degrade their quality.

To Conclude,

All of us are navigating through troubled waters, and only those businesses will stay afloat that will follow a sustainable approach while keeping an eagle eye and following control measures on their expenditure from now onwards. Thus, continuing to raise your brand awareness and stay relevant in the digital competition through cheap SEO services in India can go a long way.

Vijaya Tyagi

Vijaya Raj Laxmi Tyagi has been an avid content writer for over three years with a keen interest in writing SEO articles and blogs. She also finds great enthusiasm in writing about a vast variety of topics, including gardening, interior designing, health & wellness, and tourism. Her educational background in Computer Science and Engineering has given her an edge to write about technologies that tend to mark a great impression on daily lifestyle and behaviour, while her intrigue towards Mother Nature drives her to discuss green topics.