How to Work With Your SEO Agency for Best Results

With the surge of online shopping and altered consumer behavior, more and more businesses have started to work with an SEO agency – to get more traffic, generate more sales, and ultimately make more revenue. However, not all clients get what they expect or notice improvements in their website ranking and traffic. It often happens because of what clients do not know.

As a client, you don’t see improved or better SEO results and waste your money when:

  • You are tough on your SEO agency when it comes to collaboration
  • You don’t share details about your company and its products and services when they need
  • You don’t consider your SEO agency as a strategic partner and give only orders instead of discussing how to make things better

You get the best results from SEO only when you work towards cultivating a nurtured relationship with your SEO agency, given that it is reliable and has SEO professionals who are skilled, experienced, and updated.

So, if you want to watch your online business grow through SEO, you must focus on how to get the most out of your partnership with the SEO agency.

For that, first of all, you need to understand what category of clients you fall in.

Find Out What Type of SEO Client You Are

Though this may not seem like an exciting thing to do, it is essential to see where the actual problem lies. Is it your SEO agency or you?

In the SEO world, there are four types of clients:

  • Clients who collaborate and understand what their SEO agency is talking about and trying to do
  • Clients who don’t know what SEO means but know that they are unfamiliar with the SEO process
  • Clients who think that they know SEO and force the agency to do everything only from their point of view
  • Clients who think sharing comprehensive information on their website can harm their business

Clients who collaborate and understand what their SEO agency is talking about and trying to do

When clients understand what SEO is and have realistic expectations, they tend to work closely with their SEO agency. It helps them set their priorities right. They are willing to provide valuable resources and necessary details about their company and its products and services. Hence, the chances of attaining digital marketing success become higher with these clients. As a result, these clients tend to enjoy higher satisfaction with their SEO agency.

Clients who don’t know what SEO means but know that they are unfamiliar with the SEO process

This type of client also makes a good client because they know their limitations in terms of SEO knowledge. Thus, they don’t try to dictate the SEO process and let SEO professionals work on their website and SEO campaigns. Best SEO results can be achieved with these clients when an SEO agency explains what their SEO team is doing, how it will help them, what information it needs, and what kinds of changes can help improve their websites’ performance and ranking.

Clients who think that they know SEO and force the agency to do everything only from their point of view

The clients who like to tell how to do SEO just by gathering information from so-called SEO pros who are not qualified to do SEO are the most difficult. They are rigid and don’t try to listen to the SEO team that can offer them innovative ideas and strategies that bring results for real. Therefore, they are more prone to dissatisfaction.

Clients who think sharing information on alternatives on their website can harm their business

In today’s world, consumers are becoming more aware of their decisions, especially when they spend money. Whether it is a famous brand or a lesser-known brand, they put all of them under scrutiny.

So, when a business tries to share half or incomplete information on their web pages, blogs, and articles, they gradually start losing credibility and authority in the eyes of aware consumers. The same happens when a business emphasizes that their target consumers have only those options that their company offers. Such tactics may benefit in short-term but can be disastrous in the long-term.

When your potential consumers don’t trust your advice or can’t find credible information they need, you can’t blame the SEO team. To make informed decisions, modern consumers want businesses to provide complete information and not hide alternative options.

Thus, it is easy to work with the above two types of clients and bring desired SEO results over time. On the other hand, the third and fourth types of clients often find themselves switching from one agency to another and never getting expected results.

By now, you might have realized which category you belong to. In case the third or fourth type describes you as a client, you should:

  • Be more open to listening to your SEO agency
  • Learn to make realistic expectations and understand that SEO generates results over time
  • Provide resources and information they need for webpage content, better product/service descriptions, and blogging.

How to Work with an SEO Agency for Best Results

When working with an SEO agency, you should begin building your relationship with your SEO agency based on two cornerstones: trust and cooperation.

Trust Your SEO Agency

We know trust is earned. It is not something that can develop instantly. However, if you show no trust in your SEO agency right from the start, this partnership may never bloom into a good relationship.

Many times, clients have a bad experience with their previous SEO agencies. That’s entirely understandable. But, try not to burn out the new SEO agency for the things done by a bad or so-called SEO company. The best way to deal with this situation is through communication.

Communicate with your new agency about all the problems that you have had with the previous firm. Talk about where you felt that things were not going well. Then, discuss how the agency can help them. Keep in mind that it takes time to get things on track. Besides, SEO is itself a time-taking process. So, be patient and have trust in your SEO agency.

If you face any problem, connect with the SEO manager assigned to your project to talk about your concerns rather than lashing out. Remember that you are their client, and they will work hard to make improvements and optimize your site well. So, both you and your SEO agency are on the same page.

Cooperate with Your SEO Agency Well

Cooperation is the key to develop a good partnership with an SEO agency. So, taking some time to see what they need and have to say can help them work better.

The SEO profession is often thankless. Clients don’t give credit to their SEO agency when things go well. However, if something goes wrong, many clients blame their agency even if it is not their fault. Thus, one easy way of keeping the spirit of your SEO agency high is to recognize when they achieve a milestone, even if it is small.

Appreciating their work and recognize their achievements are also a form of cooperation. How? This type of interaction helps them know that you as a client acknowledge their work and cooperate with them. So, they keep working hard all the time to help you grow your business online.

Even if you don’t indulge much in their success, you must share and discuss what kind of information and help they need from you.

We have seen many clients who don’t share even a bit of info about their products and services but want specific content that praises their products and services to the skies. For that, your agency needs information about your company, products, services, target audience, and competitors.

To Conclude,

A good SEO agency doesn’t care how much you are paying. If you trust them and cooperate with them, you become their favorite clients. Meaning, they will leave no stone unturned in optimizing your website and making your SEO campaigns a success.

But that doesn’t mean you leave your SEO agency be and stay silent round the year.

Stay in touch with your SEO agency, treat them as your partner, check out their regular reports, appreciate their milestones, discuss your concerns, and provide them what they need. And you will be surprised by the response and work of your SEO agency. However, if you are still not getting results even after a long time, it’s time to look for a good SEO agency that understands your needs and has a competitive SEO team.

Vijaya Tyagi

Vijaya Raj Laxmi Tyagi has been an avid content writer for over three years with a keen interest in writing SEO articles and blogs. She also finds great enthusiasm in writing about a vast variety of topics, including gardening, interior designing, health & wellness, and tourism. Her educational background in Computer Science and Engineering has given her an edge to write about technologies that tend to mark a great impression on daily lifestyle and behaviour, while her intrigue towards Mother Nature drives her to discuss green topics.